Saturday, 10 September 2011

Je t'adore mon trésor!

Et voila! J'ai décidé d'utiliser l'acrylique pour colorer la carte de fête pour ma soeur. J'ai beaucoup d'idées pour de nouvelles peintures, on voit de sketches dans la première image. Donc si je finis par finir mon cadeau d'échange de noël bientôt, vous devriez voir de nouvelles oeuvres sur mon blog! Yay!
Et voila! I decided to use acrylic paint to colour my sister's birthday card. Also, I have a lot of ideas for new paintings. You can see some hint on the top picture. So if I manage to finish soon my Christmas exchange gift, you'll see new pieces on this blog! Yay!

Saturday, 3 September 2011

I love you treasure

Tada! Enfin un dessin! C'est une idée que j'ai eu pour la fête de ma soeur. Elle aura 8 ans le 19 septembre. Donc je montrai le dessin fini bientôt.
Tada! Finaly something drawn! I got this idea for my sister's birthday. She's turning 8 on September 19th. I'll then show the finished drawing.

Thursday, 23 June 2011

Projet BD

Je me suis enfin décidé de prendre des photos pour vous donnez un aperçu de mon projet BD. J'ai beaucoup de pages alors je ne finirai pas de si tôt. Surtout que je ne me consacre pas à temps plein. J'ai commencé sur les grandes planches. Ouf! C'est du travail! Je vais faire des test couleurs bientôt.
I finally decided to take some pictures to give you a hint of my comic project. There is a lot of pages so it wont be done soon. Especially because I don't work on it full time. I started doing the big panels. Ouf! It's a lot of work! I'll do colours tests soon.

Sunday, 15 May 2011


Yarr! J'ai fais celui-ci pour un autre concours sur Sketchoholic ... J'ai réussi cette fois-ci à m'inscire avant la fin du concours! Le sujet c'est ''créature à deux dents'', mais je ne voulais pas juste faire une créature sur fond blanc. Alors j'ai fais une histoire autour hehe. Ce petit garçon sera probablement le personnage de ma première BD! Je la créé en ce moment même. J'espère pouvoir la finir pour la fin de l'été.

Yarr! I've done this for another contest at Sketchoholic ... I was able this time to subscribe to the contest before the end! The Topic is ''two teeth creature'' and I didn't want to just put a creature alone on a white background... So I made up a story hehe. This little boy is probably going to be the hero of my first comic! I am currently working on it. I hope to be able finish it by the end of the summer.

Tuesday, 10 May 2011


J'ai fait celui-ci pour un concours de dessin sur le site Sketchoholic . Il fallait créé une mascote pour leur site. Malheureusement je n'est pas eu le temp d'entrer mon dessin sur leur site avant la fin du concours. Au moins ça m'a fait dessiner!
I've done this one for a contest on the website Sketchoholic . We had to create a mascot for there website. Unfortunately I didn't get the time to finish it before the end of the contest. At least it made me draw!

Sunday, 17 April 2011

Mermaid in love

6''x 8'' inches
Acrilic on canvas

 La voici la voilà! C'est une petite peinture que j'ai fait pour l'anniversaire de Ryan. J'aime beaucoup ce nouveau medium. J'ai acheté pleins de petites toiles cartonnées et je compte bien en faire d'autres! Qui sait, j'en vendrais peut-être un jour...
Here it is! It's a small painting I did for Ryan. I like this new media a lot. I bought a multitude of small canvas so I plan on making others! Who knows, maybe I could sell some one day...

Sunday, 3 April 2011


I started to be very creative this month. There is so many ideas fumbling in my head right now that I don't know where to start. Well here is a debut. This is a starting point for the title of my blog. I always loved Russian dolls. When I was a little girl, this was one of the things I would really like to play with. We didn't have one at home so whenever we went to my uncle's house, he had many dolls, I would play with them. Also it is fascinating the number of details and coulours. I finally got one some years ago for my birthday. So now I will make this doll a concept in this blog! I am currently trying colours in photoshop. I don't know yet if it is going to be traditionally painted or digitally. Don't hesitate to comment!

Sunday, 20 March 2011

Poisson d'avril!

 Here is a second piece I tried with paper art. That one was for my Father's birthday. This time I added shading with watercolor pencils, but decided to not put water on it... So basically it's just colour pencils hehe I am glad this time I was able to explain to the 'framing' dude what I wanted! Last time was pretty constraining.

Saturday, 19 March 2011


Yeaaah! We feel a little more of the spirit with the colours isn't it? So my first Saint-Patrick happened to be a blast! Yep definitely something to do again. But I wouldn't mind next time to have it on a friday night, so you don't need to get up in the morning for work...hehe... Maybe I should have drawn a before/after party.

Tuesday, 15 March 2011

Life drawing

Special two drawings tonight. This life drawing class went pretty well. Last week was bad though. ''You'll do a million bad drawings before having one good'', anyway that's what we say...

Monday, 14 March 2011


This Thursday I am going to celebrate my first Saint-Patrick! I missed my chance last year but this time, I am ready! It will be colored soon. Tata!

Tuesday, 22 February 2011

Life drawing

We went to a life drawing class and that is my best piece! It has been a long time since I've drawn models.We are going to do that every week from now on. You might see some other sketches soon!

Sunday, 13 February 2011


The third of my fish series. I tried my new watercolour pencils instead of normal watercolour. I think I still prefer the normal way of painting but it was worth trying.

Thursday, 3 February 2011

Scribbles and sketches

 I think it was time for these little ones to get out of the sketchbook and present themselves. The first one I've done it while waiting at the airport because the plane was delayed. There was too much wind up there so we would arrive too soon in England and the other airport don't like when it happens. They never like when the schedule is changed. The other drawing are just some designs. I like drawing kids. TTFN

Saturday, 15 January 2011

Bad dog!

It is actually not a dog, but a wolf/aries. My boyfirend asked me to sketch a mixt of these two animals. He want to model in 3D the creature and make a figurine out of it. I am curious to see the result!